Article 1


Without prior written permission from TEFF, the Service Agency shall refrain from modifying the documents which have been put at the Service Agency's disposal by the Licensee in any way whatsoever. By modifying is understood: word processing, emending text, layout activities or any other adjustment.


The Service Agency restricts itself exclusively to print out the documents put at the Service Agency's disposal by the Licensee.


Article 2


The Service Agency shall use the fonts/data, put at the Service Agency's disposal by the Licensee, exclusively on the authority and benefit of the Licensee.


Article 3


Once the documents have been printed out the Service Agency shall immediately delete all fonts/data which have been put at the Service Agency's disposal by the Licensee.


Article 4


The fonts/data put at the Service Agency's disposal remain the property of TEFF. The Service Agency shall thus refrain from altering, adapting, editing, modifying or converting the fonts/data covered by this Agreement in any way whatsoever without prior written permission from TEFF.


For all fonts/data covered by this Agreement, the following shall apply:
Copyright .................. by The Enschedé Font Foundry.
.................. is a Registered TradeMark of The Enschedé Font Foundry.


Article 5


While having the fonts/data at its disposal, the Service Agency shall be responsible for careful management and protection of the fonts/data against improper use by third parties.


Article 6


The present Agreement is subject to Dutch Law.